Product Name: Part NO.3818984 HARNESS AS-ENGINE CCR: Y FILTER: N MAINT: N For Model: 374F L Excavator, C15 Engine Machine, 390F L Excavator, C18 Engine Machine, 390F Mobile Hyd Power Unit
Part NO.3818984 assembly
50810288021028802 KIT-RECEPTACLE (2 PIN)Y(2-PIN)
15141S95931S9593 STRAP (use as required)Y(0.62IN DIA)
147608T87378T8737 PLUG-SEALY(40 PIN CONNECTOR)
161769X34029X3402 SOCKET-CONNECTIONY(16-GA TO 18-GA)
1617712617681261768 SOCKET-CONNECTORY(14-GA TO 16-GA)
Tonkee - Your Premier Source for High-Quality Replacement Parts of Excavators Electric ECU ECM MCU
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Any references to trademarks, names, descriptions, numbers, and symbols on our website are utilized for reference purposes only. The use of manufacturers' names is strictly for reference purposes and does not imply any endorsement or sponsorship.